Monday, 31 January 2011

Audience Questionnaire

Please copy and paste this in a comment below and choose at least 1 of the options for each question :)

Do you watch music video's?
1. Yes
2. No

Where do you watch music video's the most?
1. YouTube
2. Phone
3. Music Channels
4. Other
5. You just don't

What is your favourite music video of all time?
1. ...........

What do you expect from a music video of the genre 'Pop Punk'?
1. Performance based

2. Narrative based

3. Concept based

What locations do you think would be best for this genre (Pop Punk)?
1. City (streets)
2. Countryside (fields)
3. Mysterious setting (woods)
4. School
5. Indoors (House)

What Image would you expect the band to portray?
1. Smart (Suits)
2. Casual (Jeans&T-shirt)
3. Gangster (Bling)

Listen to the song 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf' Would you expect the edits to be slow or fast pace?
1. Fast
2. Slow

Tuesday, 18 January 2011


We have finally started filming our video. We found a wood in Eardiston which was perfect for our shoot. We had many problems, but managed to get some good footage of the band performance. We will hopefully be posting a video diary to show our first day of filming, very soon.

Monday, 17 January 2011

Shooting Schedule.


We have put together a band... Jake and Ben have some musical friends who have a greed to taking their instruments into a muddy wood and pretend to play 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf'.

Ben.B: Singer
Jake: Guitarist
Tim: Lead Guitarist
Ben.M: Drummer

The Couple: Harriet & Ben.B Friends: The rest of band

Risk Assessment.


Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Audience Questionnaire.

Where do you watch Music Videos?
TV Channels
Other Devices free polls

Please Take A Second To Do Our Poll....